Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
I had 2 strange dreams. They were vivid dreams.
One included winning a desk and being given several bags of candy in addition to the desk. This dream included a part in which I read a plaque on a wall about the closing of a newspaper and how they were being kept viable at the end by a Mexican wrestling comic. I guess it was related to advertising. There was another part of the same dream in which the desk I won was missing, and a boy asked someone about the desk for me. The person they asked referred me to as the boy's father.
The other dream was about being in the military. I was in some kind of training and had to choose from several options for what to study. There was more to the dream, but I do not know how to describe it.
I'm Autistic. I become overwhelmed by so many options. Whenever I have so many options for what to do with my time I become overwhelmed and tend to get nothing or not as much done.
Religion. Religion has been an obstacle in my life. I allowed religion to become this obstacle to being myself and living life. I did not know so much about the religion I followed. I was misled by the leaders of the cult of denominations. I believed them when they proclaimed things. Things that I know now were their own agendas. I had these questions about religion all the time but was too afraid to ask them and didn't know who to ask.
How many movies are a slight variation of another movie? How many times will the same story be told? The twists that they think change the story enough to make it worth telling the same story again are usually not that big of a twist.
I was planning to go to a few places today but I am staying home instead. I have a webinar in a few minutes.
I hope to be productive today and get something done.
My head hurts and I feel like going back to bed.
I plan to apply to a few job openings later today.
I look back on my life and I see the potential that was there but wasted because I had no guidance or help.
I need to start my life...
Poems and Photography:
Words, Floating: Poetry And Photography:
Another Day, Another Podcast
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