Thursday, November 16, 2023

 Thursday, November 16, 2023

  This morning I had no interest in getting out of bed.

If anyone wants to help me they could buy me a house.

Do not live in judgment, live in Love.

Why do people build big fancy buildings only to use these buildings one day, one morning, a week?

I was planning to go to a few places today but I did not want to get out of bed and I do not feel like going anywhere. I physically do not want to go anywhere or do anything. I have no motivation.

I am trying to get myself to do something today. Anything.

A perfect day staying in bed.

Reading a book I've already read.

Head full of memories cherished.

A perfect day of nothing but living the past over and over again

until I am ready to go back to sleep again.



Poems and Photography:

Words, Floating: Poetry And Photography:

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⁠Another Day, Another Podcast⁠






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