Thursday, November 02, 2023

 Thursday, November 02, 2023

I found parts of a desk on my way home from the library today. I brought home all of the parts that I found but there are parts missing. I will see what I can do with the parts that I do have.

The times that I would meet older men who would suck my cock were moments I needed the feeling of being wanted. Part of me believed that these old men wanted me. The truth is they did not want me. They wanted my cock. They wanted my cock for a brief moment in time. I like cock. I want more than cock. I want a loving relationship with one guy.

I hesitate to use the word Christian to describe myself since that word has come to describe people who use this word to justify their hate by the manipulation of scripture and Bible text.

Do you ever look at photos of cock and see a personality. Some cocks look serious or angry while others look fun and playful.

I went to the library for the mystery movie program. We watched a very old movie. It was boring. I had two cups of coffee and popcorn while watching the movie.

I came across parts of a desk on the side of the road on the way home. I brought home all of the parts I could find but there are parts missing. I plan to see what I can do with the parts I have...

I do not know what else I will do today...

I write about sex and I write about cocks in my poetry. Sometimes it is based on experience and sometimes it is based on fantasy and other times it is a mixture of both.



Poems and Photography:

Words, Floating: Poetry And Photography:

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⁠Another Day, Another Podcast⁠






video editing:


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