Wednesday, October 25, 2023

 Wednesday, October 25, 2023

I was overwhelmed today. I went to a few places today. I was overwhelmed by the sounds and people. I was very happy to be back in my bedroom. I do not remember being this overwhelmed recently.

In moments and memories, I recall being with older men. Sitting, his mouth on my cock, a wet warm feeling, he being one of a few older men that would suck my cock. I think part of the reason that I allowed older men to suck my cock was the feeling of being wanted. The feeling of being desired.

What do people mean when they claim to live a "Biblical" life?

Do they sell all of their possessions and give the funds to the Church?

I have Autism. I have a tendency to overshare. I will share about my penis. I share about things that fascinate me. My cock fascinates me at times. I like to play with it. I want a boyfriend so that I can play with his cock. I am versatile, not that you want to know. I can be shy and I can be outgoing. I like being alone at times. I would like to not be alone all of the time.

Comedy is a way for me to deal with so much...

I went to a few places today:

The place I go to for a free lunch, once a month, sometimes. I posted videos showing what I had to eat on my TikTok.

CVS and Food Lion.

I was overwhelmed by the experience. I do not know why I was so overwhelmed by everything today. I was very happy to be back in my bedroom.

The Mickey Mouse pin arrived today. A sample of Lorissa's kitchen Original Beef Stick arrived today. It's not very thin but it's not too thick. My cock is thicker.

I feel the emptiness that comes with being all of the time. I am almost never around anyone my age. I have no friends. I guess I have one friend. A lady I met at one of the church buildings I have been to in the past.

I want a boyfriend. I need his touch and I need his embrace.

I am going to the library in the morning for a game day program. I think I will go to a few other places as well...

When I write a story it is a combination of fiction and real-life experiences. I change some details and at times I write a fantasy version of what happened in my life. I guess it would be fan fiction but fan fiction about my life.
I write about sex. I write about older men sucking my cock. I write about guys that I liked and guys that I was indifferent about. I write about all of it.
I do not know if anyone actually reads any of my writing.

No one has subscribed to my Patreon which makes me believe that no one reads any of my writing.



Poems and Photography:

Words, Floating: Poetry And Photography:

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⁠Another Day, Another Podcast⁠






video editing:


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