Tuesday, October 10, 2023

 Tuesday, October 10, 2023

I want to meet a boy and fall in love. I want him to propose. I want a wedding. I want to plan a wedding. I want a honeymoon and a life together. I want a boyfriend and a partner.

I want a boyfriend. I want a boy that is fit and has a nice cock. Not a very large or very small cock but a cock that I would want to play with and more. I want a boy I can watch movies and TV shows with and ride bikes with and other things with. I want a boy who likes to cuddle and talk about things like books and more.

Pray. Praying is good. Praying and doing is better. You could be the answer to someone's prayer.

Have you seen all of the kinds of underwear? Especially those for people who have a penis? I have not seen all of them in person but the ones with a pouch to put your cock and accessories seem weird to me. I guess it would be helpful to have a place to hold your dick instead of it flopping around.

I had a stressful experience at 711 today.

I went to two things at the library today. The first was a book club, which I did not read the book.

The second was a writer's group program.

I have no idea what I am doing the rest of the week but I plan to go somewhere Saturday morning if the weather is not bad.

I began writing a story this evening in the writer's group program at the library.

Subscribe to my Patreon to read what I wrote:



Poems and Photography:


Words, Floating: Poetry And Photography:



⁠http://Fjasonwhitakerwriter.com ⁠





⁠Another Day, Another Podcast⁠






video editing:


⁠https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sJ3MSddoSw ⁠








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