Thursday, December 14, 2023

 Thursday, December 14, 2023

I'm Autistic. I have a daily routine. These past few days my daily routine has taken longer to complete than normal. Yesterday, it was after midnight when I finished most of my daily routine. I had not posted in my blogs or recorded my daily podcast.

I decided not to do my blog or podcast yesterday because it was so late, and I was tired...

I'm Autistic. I have a daily routine. I need this daily routine. Whenever I have things that alter my daily routine I can become irritated and stressed out.

Recently I have been going to bed later and getting up later. I have trouble getting to sleep.

The false doctrine of the cult of denominations wants everyone to be the same. It tells people to not be what makes them different.

If you believe in the One Body, One God, then you should know that this symbolic body which is the Church is the people of the Church. Consider the body which consists of various parts. Each part is different and unique. Each part has a function.

Do not let anyone take away your uniqueness.

They want you to become like them because they do not like anything not like them...

I'm Autistic. I want to do standup comedy but I would need encouragement and resources in the form of somewhere to do it and transportation.

Mail came today but nothing addressed to me,
never anything but bills for me.
I watch the weather report, but I never go outside.
Days drift and soon I see a pattern of loneliness bringing me down.

Nothing but blues and endless clues of a life sans a life is the life I am living out.

I went to a few places yesterday and today.




Dunkin Donuts


Circle K

Food Lion

These past few days my routine has been taking longer. Yesterday, I finished my daily routine after midnight. Well, most of my daily routine. It was very late and I had not written my blogs or recorded my podcast. I was tired. I decided not to do my blogs or podcast. I decided to go to bed instead.

I am going somewhere in the morning. I have a few things to do at home when I come home.

I am taking a pause in writing a list of writing prompts on my profile. I have been writing a list of writing prompts on there each day for months.

I have a few more things to do before going to bed tonight. I need to go to bed soon...


Poems and Photography:

Words, Floating: Poetry And Photography:

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⁠Another Day, Another Podcast⁠






video editing:


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