Sunday, December 24, 2023 (Christmas Eve)

 Sunday, December 24, 2023 (Christmas Eve)

I often look back on times in my life. I see times I should have done something differently. Times I should have done more. I have too much regret.

Christmas is tomorrow.

I do not have anyone to give gifts to and no one to receive gifts from.

People focus on the wrong things.

They want to post the OT commandments but never the NT.

The part about loving others is vital.

Love God and Love others.

Most people only love themselves.

Imagine if it were Christmas GIFs instead of gifts.

White elephant GIFs.

Returning GIFs after the holidays.

Regifting Gifs.

Receiving a GIF you gave someone because they regifted it and it ended up being regifted until it was given to you.

It's not the size of the gif that matters but the thought put into it.

These future days are empty, blank pages, books unwritten.

Recently, I have reduced the amount of places I go, and I have not gone out as often.

I came across a site that said that I could write to Santa and I would receive gifts. I almost never receive gifts. I have no one to give me gifts. I wrote a letter a couple of months ago, but I don't think I will receive anything.

I have some photo prints waiting for me at Walgreens that I plan to retrieve on Tuesday.

I am considering watching some movies today and tomorrow.

I have no idea what else I will do today and tomorrow.⁠⁠


Poems and Photography:


Words, Floating: Poetry And Photography:



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⁠⁠Another Day, Another Podcast⁠⁠





video editing:


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