Saturday, January 13, 2024


Saturday, January 13, 2024

I'm Autistic. Even when I want to go somewhere I find reasons to stay home instead.

I'm autistic. I have no pattern in my sleep routine. I have no routine for my sleep. I have routines, daily routines, but no sleep routine.

Prayer should never be something someone is forced to do. Forcing people to believe or not to believe is not them believing or not believing. You cannot force anyone to believe or not believe anything.

Why is it that when you know you want to get up early to go somewhere you have a more difficult time getting to sleep?

Rising before the sun, wondering if today will be fun, wondering if I will go anywhere today. Late night, sleepless hours, wondering what today will bring. I never sing because I hate my voice and I never dance because I have no one to dance with. My life is solitude and dreaming of things I have never had or done.

I am going to a couple of places today.

Something arrived today.

Listen to my podcast.

Visit and share my links.

I have no idea what I will do once I return home.

I need to do more housecleaning.⁠⁠


Poems and Photography:


Words, Floating: Poetry And Photography:



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⁠⁠Another Day, Another Podcast⁠⁠





video editing:


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