Monday, September 25, 2023

 Monday, September 25, 2023

I see the potential for my writing and other content creation. I can imagine what it could be like when I am past the growing phase of being a content creator and living in the phase in which I earn an adequate living from content creation.

The "religious leaders" of the cult of denominations do not want you to question the things they say and the things they do. They want your money. They want your blind obedience to them. They want you to live in ignorance because their power comes from your ignorance.

This post was left blank intentionally.

I feel tired. I plan to work on my writing and begin editing a video for a video editing contest.

I am considering going somewhere tomorrow.

The Kelleys


F. Jason Whitaker

ep6 Christie the Showoff Bowls


Christie and Patrick enter the bowling alley. 


Poems and Photography:

Words, Floating: Poetry And Photography:

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⁠Another Day, Another Podcast⁠






video editing:


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