Thursday, February 15, 2024

Thursday, February 15, 2024

I'm Autistic. I'm other things, but knowing that I am Autistic will help you understand why I do certain things the way I do certain things.

I'm Autistic. Before I knew I was Autistic, I would stop myself from doing things that I thought would be considered weird. I was masking. I also copied things I saw in other people trying to be like everyone else.

Why is prayer the only answer to problems? I believe there is more to Faith and religion than prayer. Prayer is good, but why stop at prayer?

Yesterday, I wrote Thursday on a few of my blogs by mistake. I have changed some of them but I have no interest in taking the time to change all of them. I wrote Friday on one blog by mistake.

I'm Autistic. Whenever I am typing something I may not always type the correct thing. I have looked back at something I have typed in the past and do not recognize anything on the screen. What I typed was not what I was thinking.⁠⁠


Poems and Photography:


Words, Floating: Poetry And Photography:



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⁠⁠Another Day, Another Podcast⁠⁠





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