Monday, May 13, 2024

Monday, May 13, 2024

I had strange dreams again. I often have strange dreams.

I have no plans today.

I have a webinar on lighting tomorrow.

I have no other plans for this week.

Next week is my Autism assessment. Tuesday and Thursday.

Friday, next week, is the free produce.

I need a first boyfriend.

I need a first career.

I think I would adopt if I could. I mean that I would adopt if I were financially able to adopt. I have no income and no home. I would need a career and home before I could adopt. I thought I would adopt an older child. I would adopt a child who was 10, 11, or 12.

Religious people are the ones who make this world so horrible. They are greedy and have never considered the consequences of their actions. They use everything including other people to make themselves wealthy.

I'm watching a show called Kuntergrau. It's about a group of men my age and their relationships. I think it is German with one non-german person on the cast. The episodes are short. I like it so far.

There are a few comedians who I enjoy watching. Sometimes I do laugh at their jokes.

I feel those moments of my life

memories that never go away,

I feel so much I do not know how to explain

how I miss them so much

when I only knew them for a moment.⁠⁠


Poems and Photography:


Words, Floating: Poetry And Photography:



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⁠⁠Another Day, Another Podcast⁠⁠





video editing:


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