Thursday, August 03, 2023

 Thursday, August 03, 2023

What does prayer mean to you? Is it a personal conversation or a bunch of memorized phrases that you repeat with each prayer?

Have you ever read a book and you have no idea what is happening in the book? A book so mysterious that it becomes confusing.

I have plans this evening if the weather is nice but if the weather is not nice I will stay home and do some housecleaning.

I forgot to record my podcast last night. I discovered this when I went to my podcast page today. Last night was not the only time that I forgot to record my podcast. I plan to go back and record something for those missing days.

I feel in the moment,
I feel you,
I feel the time
slowing as we pass the hours together.

I wait for him to arrive. A corner gas station late in the evening. It's getting darker. I wonder if I will recognize the car but I am not good at telling the difference between cars.



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⁠Another Day, Another Podcast⁠






video editing:


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